Nursing (BSN-DNP)

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Nursing (BSN-DNP) Overview

Chatham’s BSN to DNP Executive Track is 专为持有BSN的护士设计,他们希望快速发展自己的职业生涯,并在行政层面领导临床变革. This competitive program focuses on leadership excellence; advocacy and policy; health promotion; and global health.
Program School
Admission Deadlines


We evaluate applications on a rolling basis. Fall starts are available.

Credits Required



Online Classes

Flexible Schedule

Each online course is 15 weeks in length, 在项目结束时,只需要一次短暂的校内实习.

Project Presentation

Two-day Residency

与您的同伴一起在波胆网站美丽的校园进行为期两天的实习, 你会在哪里展示你项目的学术海报.


MSN部分培养学生成为护理领导角色,DNP部分培养学生, 完成并评估一个执行级别的项目,以展示临终护理学位的知识和技能. 总共将获得1000个实践经验小时. 实践经验在认可的实践经验场所完成.

  1. Completed free online application.
  2. 所有学校完成的大学水平课程的正式成绩单副本,并提供至少3分的BSN学位完成证明.0 GPA
  3. 您所在州有效的、未受阻碍的注册护士执照证明
  4. Current résumé/curriculum vitae
  5. Admissions Essay: In at least 500 words, 描述一个潜在的临床问题,作为一名护士主管,你可以使用循证干预来影响这个问题。. 包括你为什么对这个问题感兴趣,并解释为什么这是一个需要改变的问题,以影响患者和/或组织的结果.
  6. Virtual 20-minute interview may be requested.

International Applicants

国际申请者必须向招生办公室提交额外的文件. A list of these documents can be found on the International Admission web page.
Business Management in Healthcare 

This course focuses on healthcare finance, budgeting, 以及让护士长在各种医疗保健环境中发挥作用所需的商业概念.

Population Health, Ethics, and Health Policy
本课程的重点是人口健康、伦理问题和医疗保健中的公共政策. 学生运用策略来管理道德困境, 将倡导从患者扩展到社区, 并分析卫生政策,以教育和引导变革,促进人口健康. 
Advanced Nursing Leadership in Healthcare Systems
本课程侧重于组织、决策和管理变革. Organizational, Change, 领导理论及其在复杂系统中的应用进行了分析. Emphasis is placed on impacting performance, communication, inter-professional collaboration, 和文化的连续性和在危机时期,同时促进公平, innovative, safe, and cost-effective care.

View Full Curriculum

BSN到DNP执行轨道允许专业护士开始护理管理的职业生涯,有一个专门针对他们的教育需求和角色发展的计划. 这个项目可以让他们快速完成学业,同时继续为自己的职业目标而努力, 并为高管指导和在职培训提供强有力的补充.

— DIANE HUNKER, Ph.D., MBA, RN nursing programs director, professor

Photo of a man presenting a poster to another man

Two-day Residency

While the program is online, 你将有机会和你的同伴一起在波胆网站美丽的校园里进行为期两天的实习, 你会在那里展示你的DNP项目的学术海报吗.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a DNP- and a Ph.D.-prepared nurse? What is Evidence-based Practice? I want to be a nursing faculty member; is this the right program for me? Read the answers to these and other FAQ.

View FAQs : Checkerboard 2 - Frequently Asked Questions

BSN to DNP Executive Track

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